Tuesday, January 31, 2012

River Dunes Boat House

Two day's later it's a sunny day. Which actually made it more of a challenge because of the lighting effects. It took me 5 hours to do two studies.
Boat House Pond

John Hanley hard at work

Susan Cheatham's pastel in progress

Sue Henry is almost finished.

Painting Plein Air in Winter

Painting in winter can be a challenge. Sue Henry, John Hanley, and I had just that experience.
We went to River Dunes to paint and by the time I got the go ahead to paint from the property manager, the clouds came in. Jhon Hnley worked on a painting. Sue and I ended up doing sketches. then the clouds came in and it got very cold. so we opted for another day. Hopefully sunnier. Although cloudy is nice sunny has more color combinations and contrast. What was very curious but interesting the reflection in the water were clearer than the sky. We will return on sunnier day.